The International Lutheran Council recognizes three classes of membership:
- Members are official, organized church bodies that accept the doctrinal basis of the ILC and enjoy voting rights. Members are accepted by a vote of the existing voting members.
- Associate Members are official, organized church bodies that accept the doctrinal basis of the ILC but do not find it expedient to seek voting rights. Associate Members are accepted by a vote of the assembled voting members.
- A third class of members, called Others, includes three sub-classes of membership:
- Observers are official, organized churches which do not currently qualify as Members or Associate Members, but which seek to affiliate with the ILC. Observers may be accepted by a 2/3 vote of the ILC’s Executive Committee.
- Recognized Organizations are ecclesiastical organizations other than official, organized church bodies, which seek to affiliate with the ILC. This can include councils, districts, dioceses, organized movements, and individual congregations. Recognized Organizations are accepted by a 2/3 vote of the ILC’s Executive Committee.
- Individuals may be accepted in a special class to participate in the work of the ILC upon a vote of the ILC’s Executive Committee.
Churches and organizations wishing to affiliate with the ILC are encouraged to contact the ILC for procedures.